Thursday, 11 August 2011

My Dream...

Don't you love it when your house is clean, you can smell the
polish and the disinfectant, the floor is mopped,
the carpets are vacumed, the windows are shiny, the beds are made
up with clean sheets, yesterdays washing is folded and put away,
and todays is hanging on the line, the kitchen is tidy, the rubbish
is out, the stove/oven is clean, and so is the refigerator, and
the bathroom is sparkly, and the loo looks like the best it ever looked!

I can't remember when my home last looked that way, or even it it ever
looked that way, even when I had a cleaner, courtesy of the govt,
because of my son's special needs, my home never has looked that way.

And I crave it so much, I wish muchly that the little elves that
visited that poor shoemaker and made his shoes for him at night, do
you remember that story from childhood?, well I wish those little elves
would visit me at night, and transform my home to the tidy CLEAN home
I long for.

But even if they did, you know what would happen aye, the children would
wake up, and before you know it, juice will be knocked over, cereal will
be on the floor, toast crumbs everywhere, clothes, toys, everywhere,
toothpaste on the bathroom sink, the loo, well we won't even go there, but
lets say "disaster zone" and my home would be right back to where I had
left it the night. Would those little elves dispair, I do think they would,
and they would even cease to visit.

I love it when I go and visit mother of one, and her home always looks
beautiful, dust wouldn't dare show it's face, but it's not just her house
it's her garden too....I love sitting in her home enjoying the tidiness,
but being a tiny bit scared to spill my tea or drop a crumb, but the
serenity of a clean house pulls me, and starts to make me long for my
home to look like that too.

And then I go visit another friend, and her home is in more chaos than my
own, and secretly I love it, because it makes me feel like, just maybe I
do have a little bit of house cleaner in me.

When I got married my father told my hubby that he got the "best one",
And, yes, if you visited my sister's homes, you would probably agree, thank
goodness, where they live they still have dial-up and never get to read my
blogs......can you believe people still use dial-up?, but no, now I am
straying, so maybe I am the best one of 3, but I am still not the
house keeper I desire to be.

But my kids are happy, my husband is getting used to it, he is a clean freak,
and I still have time in my day to do other things I want to do, and my home,
well its not too bad, maybe one day Mr P will be rich enough to provide
me with a house keeper, and the children will have left home, just maybe then
my home will become the sparkling home I so desire.

But anyway, must go, toilet to clean, floor to vacum, and beds to be made up,
and a whole list of other 40 jobs to do.

Have a great day

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