Saturday, 4 February 2012

A Really Yummy Gewurztraminer.

The other night, the kids were asleep, husband was out with the lads, and I was home alone with my remote control and an extremely good bottle of gewurztraminer, maybe I had already had two glasses or possibly 3, anyway who is counting? I certainly was'nt.

The phone rang, I answered, the caller said.."Hi My name is Leanne, I am an old friend of Mr P, about 20-25 years ago.....bla bla bla" My foggy brain didn't take much in at all.

But before I knew it I was agreeing to take in for Sunday night, 2 adults and 4 chn, who were on a biking holiday, did I mention the children were 1, 3, 5, and 6 years...., as they had to be at the airport 9am Monday morning. Who were these people? Where were they from? Who knows? I certainly didn't but I agreed to let them sleep on our lounge floor.....

Before I hung up, I suddenly realized I didn't have any idea who I was talking too, I couldn't remember who she said she was, so as she began her goodbyes, I suddenly blurted out "Who are you, and how do you know my husband?"

I am sure this lady began to have second thoughts about sending this family to stay, What sort of crazy woman, has Mr P married? Anyway graciously, she told me how she and Mr P knew each other, and this time I randomly wrote more notes on back of the envelope.

I hung up the phone, poured another glass the very yummy wine and settled back to watch more TV.

When Mr P came home, I was pretty cheerful, but I did remember to tell him people were coming to stay, on sunday night, but I had lost the envelope, so I couldn't tell him who, but did he have a friend from 20 odd years ago, whose name was Leanne.

Luckily, Mr P knew who I was talking about, and has been in touch with his old friend, but we still don't know a lot about this family, but we are looking forward to hosting them for the night.

They sound pretty amazing if they can travel this way with 4 young kids, I am looking forward to meeting them, maybe we will catch the bug too.....although the mind sure boggles with how we would keep Scooby on a bike, maybe a tandem with ropes to tie him on.....and bags him not on my bike!

Anyway dear readers, if at all there is anyone out there reading my crap, I will let you know all about them next time.

Talk soon



  1. I've SOOOOOO seen the bike for you to tow scoobs on. Hahaha.

    You wino.
    Wish I could've nabbed two of those glasses off you myself.

    what are you going to do for the next 3 weeks without it????????xxx

  2. I know!!! Here it is the first day of deprivation and she posts about WINE!!!! Like the way my hubby opened up the Toblerone and gave it to the kids today.
    Go you Misty!! Way to make some new adventurous freinds!

  3. We start the fast tomorrow, can't really feed our guests a vegan diet, looking forward no alcohol actually Gail, and no naughty food, hoping that it just might kick start some weight loss....hahah not that we are doing it to lose weight, perspective Misty.
    Stink Simone, but I bet you felt powerful resisting that chocolate!

  4. We start the fast tomorrow, can't really feed our guests a vegan diet, looking forward no alcohol actually Gail, and no naughty food, hoping that it just might kick start some weight loss....hahah not that we are doing it to lose weight, perspective Misty.
    Stink Simone, but I bet you felt powerful resisting that chocolate!

  5. I can drink enough for the 3 of us???!! Might fill in my days more ;)

    You should try a stomach bug. Great kick start!!

    Are you going to post some of your recipes Misty - post that chick pea salad one. Yummo.

  6. wow Simone really is getting a blogging revival happening after her 'regain the blogging mojo' post!! ;-)

    It really doesn't surprise me that not only did u forget to ask for details, but then lost the blimin envelope in the short time before Mr P got home...PMSL! Only you could polish off that much wine without anyone in the house to share it with ;-)

    Soooo need to get some recipes off you...please do post them... or email me
